Saturday 24 November 2007

Ho Ho

I have just noticed my local club has advertised the use of trolleys all the year round.

That looks rather like two fingers to Wedmore's directors.

No Trolleys

Already? Winter has only just started and Wedmore is already banning trolleys unless they have those stupid wheels with great knobs on.

All this started with that Pro who thought all golfers would believe any old rubbish they were told and he was in damnger of losing money unless he kept these wheels operating. It seems he very successfully brain washed the ground staff, the new pro and the directors into thinking these idiotic wheel preserve the course.

Those with a gram of sense can see the ground showly and already being chewed up by their use. A lady I was talking to said they were awful to pull and harder to push.

All in the name of people too stubborn to realise they have made a mistake.

Sunday 4 November 2007

Chatting in the pub.

Overheard this evening was a comment from a fellow at the bar.
"It is only because the members are so pleasant at Wedmore, that I remain there. There's nothing the directors do, or the staff that make one feel they want you or care about what you think...........................How can you run a business or club like that?.......................Bloody madness, I say"

There is not much one can say now to add to that, other than I am begining to wonder if one of the directors is slowly "losing it".

I gather there are now suggestion or complaint forms in the hall there. I think I must pay another visit.

Thursday 27 September 2007


I have heard that grumbles persist about the flag being stuck at half mast. One director, a A.E. said when asked about it. "I don't want to hear another thing said about the flag".

Another director G.A. asked why it was so important. The mind starts to boggle at such answers. Well, I suppose if they have no pride whatever in the club they started, we can all expect to see a decline in other matters. It is a shame because I always enjoy the course and the views. It has a lot going for it.

I have to admit, the flag, hanging as it does, looks decidedly sloppy.

"You can always tell the sort of man you are dealing with by the state of his shoes", we were taught at school. I presume much the same can be said about club flag staffs.

I find it hard to believe that two directors have never heard of Public Relations and Company Image in the 21st century.

Monday 17 September 2007


Grumbles and moans abound in all golf clubs, from visitors and members alike. Perhaps it is the way complaints are made and those to whom they are addressed seem to always interpret them as being a personal insult.

For example, the food at the Wells Golf Club and Mendip is quite ghastly, a perfectly legitimate comment, but those committee members in charge of such things do not seem to really understand the reasons for speaking out.

Complaints are really another way of making suggestions, so when they are told their food is un-eatable or boring, the grumbler is actually making a polite suggestion that the food could be inproved and everyone would feel a great deal happier.

My mate returning from what had been a good weekend at Wedmore heard that a member had complained to a certain proprieter hat a particular bunker did not have enough sand in it.

The reply he had was, "You know where the gate is. You can always go through it and not return". Anybody who is in business always listens to complaints and always they do their very best to put matters right, after all there is little point in letting matters remain. What that member was actually saying is, "My I suggest you put more sand in that bunker, because it will not only help my golf but the golf of all members and your visitors".

People are really quite diverse when it comes to handling such things.

Thursday 13 September 2007

On going.........

My telephone conversation was interupted but I hope to hear more later.

A group of two teams once a year go away for a weekend's golf. The club captain was not invited because two members who seem to have some unfounded reasons for objecting to all he does, and the ammount of monies he has raised for the Somerset and Dorset Air Ambulance at the club, they think are a fiddle. One being a past captain, we can only assume there is some jealosy involved here. I look forward to hearing more later from my little bird on the green.

Wednesday 12 September 2007

Expensive Wine

I could not believe the price of a bottle of wine, nothing special, something I can buy at my local shops for £4, here they are £13 or £14. So I decided to leave it and wait until I got home.

A good crowd.

A large number of us visited Wedmore today. Weather was perfect for golf, but, dear oh dear. Those greens are always like a griddle. The last time I visited about four weeks ago they had just been tyned and they still have great holes. It is a shame to spoil a pleasant course with this ill treatment.